Thursday, September 02, 2004

Small update

Hi everyone!!

Sorry for being so slack on putting any posts together, haven't really got one together at the moment (in terms of what I've been up too), but I thought I'd just let everyone know that I am alive and well, and still having a blast..

Been travelling around Scotland for the last week (or so..) and surprisingly the weather has been grand to me! :-D But out in the Hebrides at the moment, which means that most of the hostels don't even have net access...

Anyways, I'll put up a post very soon about my wandering around:

  • Vancouver Island
  • London
  • Brighton
  • ... and various places around Scotland

I will add that I'm tempted to just work in a hostel up here for a few months, won't save any money, but it's been nice and relaxing! :-)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the loch ness monster had got you! glad to hear you are alive and still enjoying yourself. Looking forward to seeing more news about UK. Tony and Val enjoy that part of Scotland, why dont you stay there in the islands if you are enjoying yourself at least for a while! or plan to do it during spring.